A cake smash is a must at any first birthday party! And, as anybody who has children knows, one-year-olds are the messiest eaters around. If you don't want to be scraping icing from between your floor boards for the next year, a splash mat is therefore also a must!
We came up with this cute, easy, and very inexpensive splash mat for our vintage farm-themed party this past weekend (full party details to follow!). 

Here are the only two things you'll need:

  • plastic table cloth: we found this blue gingham beauty at the dollar store!
  • scissors: for cutting the table cloth

Here are the easy-peasy instructions:

1. Cut your table cloth into a square (if it isn't already square) with sides that are slightly larger than the diameter of the circle you want to end up with.

2. You'll need to fold the square table cloth several times. For convenient photo-taking, we show the folds you'll need to make on a sheet of 12x12 paper. 

First, fold your table cloth in half twice, as shown below. It should be a square that is 1/4 of the original size after these folds.


3. Fold the table cloth again, this time on the diagonal, to make a triangle.


4. Fold the right-angled tip of the triangle (in the picture above, this is tip on the right-hand side) down to meet the long side of the triangle.

5. Cut a semi-circle as shown below. When you unfold the table cloth, you should have 16 ridges.
Easy, right? Here's the final product:
Ashley, Jen and Alessandra

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